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NRA Pistol Instructor
Looking to learn the fundamentals of shooting or get your Concealed Firearm Permit?
Training in Homestead, FL or St. Petersburg , FL
We offer our Basic Pistol Course or NRA Phase 2 courses
- Safety
- Types and Brands of Pistols
- Loading and Unloading
- Sight Alightment
- Trigger Press
- Stance
- Gun Range Rules
- Live fire training
- Slow Paced for Understanding
- and much more!
Havoc Legion Classes $100 for 6 Hour Basic Pistol Course
-Targets Provided
NRA Phase 2 Class is $60 for a 5 Hour Course
To access Phase I please go to– and follow the prompts to The NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Course. After completing the course give us a call to schedule a class.
You need:
- Clear Eye Protection
- Ear Protection, Muffs or Ear Plugs
- 100 rounds of brand new ammo and Pistol
- Pen & Note book
- 21 years old, cannot be convicted Felon/Domenstic Violence or under the influence.
We can provide:
-Pistols, Ammo, Ear and Eye Protection.
- Fullfills Florida Statue 790.06 for Conceal Weapon or FIrearm Licence.
- Certified and Insured.
- NRA Life Time Member.
- Military Pistol Expert
CWP Resource Links
Florida Division of Agriculture Consumer Services—Division of Licensing
Florida Firearms Law
Gun Owners of America
NRA Membership

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